venerdì 18 agosto 2023

NRDBMS (Non-Relational Database Management System) technologies

The intention of this research project submitted to the University of Derby (UK) is to investigate an innovative topic concerning a new system which is implemented to manage databases based on a non-relational model. This work has been structured in a way that any reader can smoothly be introduced to the non-relational databases problematic. Firstly, there is an overview of NRDBMSs and their implementation methods (columnfamily, document store, graph, key/value, etc.). Then, a picture of advantages and disadvantages of non-relational databases is drawn. Furthermore, there is the description of some of the most NRDBMS technologies used by big companies and an explanation of their features (cloud technology, horizontal scaling, etc.) and eventually it is analysed how this technology could bring general advantages to business. 

After having discussed this topic in general terms, there is the analysis of three particular case studies. 
The first two cases (Amazon and Google) are based on DB applications implemented on purpose by software houses, upon Amazon and Google requests (proprietary software). 
The third one (Facebook) is a commercial public domain software also used by Digg, Twitter, Rackspace. Particularly, Amazon case study deals with the implementation of SimpleDB, a distributed database, its cloud technology, its key/value approach for storing data, benefit of eventual consistency use. Google case study regards the simplified interface of APP Engine Data Store that works on Blg Tables, the solidity of its database, its difference with Amazon SimpleDB. Finally, Facebook case study talks about Cassandra, the most famous NRDBMS used to manage huge and complex amount of data, its main characteristics such as horizontal scaling, independence of network nodes, redundancy. 

Last consideration to be taken is that for every single case there is first a general overview of NRDBMS technology used, and then most of the time is dedicated to talk about strategic advantages brought to exploit corporate digital assets.

You can read and/or download the entire research paper on: 

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